Australian Activists Fight Filter on Twitter

As celebrated today on iTWire, Australian and international activists are fighting Australia's impending filtering policy on Twitter. Users opposing the filter are using the hashtag #nocleanfeed to disseminate information, and to fight against the filter. One such user, nickhac, cheekily demonstrated opposition in this tweet:

The filter, however, is nothing to celebrate. If implemented, according to the UK's Telegraph, the filter would block "child sex abuse content, bestiality, sexual violence and the detailed instruction of crime and drug use" and would cost millions in taxpayer dollars.

The filter has caused controversy even amongst those not entirely opposed to it; during its first rounds of testing, an Australian youth hacked the filter, and last year, the leaked blacklist turned out to contain innocuous sites such as that of a dentist in Queensland.

In addition to the Twitter activism, a Facebook group for those opposing the filter has been created.