Is Iran Cracking Down On the Internet Again?

By: Jillian C. York on 4 November 2009
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Today, on the 30th anniversary of the U.S. Embassy takeover in Tehran, protesters once again charged into the streets, some protesting the June Iranian elections, others, pro-government supports chanting anti-American slogans.

Iran's anti-Ahmadinejad Green Movement has launched a new Web site to encourage bloggers and protesters to share information on a mass scale:

Reports indicate that due to the events of the day, yet another Internet crackdown in Iran has begun. Global Voices Advocacy reports that, according to a number of sources, the Internet in Iran has become tremendously slow, making it difficult to open emails; that Yahoo Messenger may be inaccessible in Iran; that some ISPs may have granted access to YouTube and Facebook for the purpose of surveillance; and that Saitak2Mobile Internet access is blocked.

Additionally, there have been reports of increased filtering from Iran, with rumors that Gmail, among other sites, has been filtered. Herdict is currently working to keep track of instances of inaccessibility.