A Bad Week for China and the US

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    4 February 2010

    This has been a very interesting week or so for U.S. China relations. During this time, internet censorship, the Dalai Lama, Iran, and arms sales to Taiwan have been at the center of the interaction between the two countries. It seems the relationship has come quite a distance since the fall when President Obama traveled to Asia and outlined the import of China to the U.S.

    Viewed individually, all of these issues are complicated and speak to legitimately different views between the U.S. and China. Secretary Clinton’s speech following Google’s decision to leave China due to internet censorship raised important points about freedom of information and the need for American companies to be able to operate freely in China. President Obama should be able to meet with whomever he wants. Iran is a brutal regime which would be a great threat to whatever regional stability exists in the Middle East if it were to acquire nuclear weapons; and Taiwan is a longtime ally and supporter of the U.S.