A Dark day for Thai freedom of expression

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    8 April 2010

    Thailand's awkward grappling with the unique freedom on cyber space has been dealt another big setback. A country known for relative freedom of the press will once again become a focus of world attention, thanks to a group of people who want to exercise absolute control over the Internet.

    There are a lot of people in Thailand who need to learn that the Internet is probably the most ubiquitous new media tool in the world today - and that any attempt at total control will be futile, yet deplorable all the same.

    Online users the world over have benefited from an increased access to information both inside and outside their own countries, and this has outweighed arguably controversial exercise of rights of expression. This is why, internationally, any attempt to obstruct the free flow of information - even on sensitive issues - is an assault on the ramparts of fundamental freedom because it violates Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

    Of course, within the Thai context, this has never been an issue because the media seldom touches on the topic of the revered monarchy.