Iran arrests 30 for involvement in US-led ‘cyber war’

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    17 March 2010

    Thirty people from anti-Iran groups including the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) that were found to operate "important organized networks of the US cyber war" have been arrested by the Iranian general prosecutor office, according to the state news agency IRNA.

    The IRNA report claimed that during former US President George W Bush's time in power, a ‘cyber war' plan was set up to destablise Iran. One of the main projects dubbed the Iran Proxy received $50 million in funding from the CIA and was used to bypass the state's internet filtering system.

    The objectives of Iran Proxy included "....getting access to Iran's information banks, penetration and sabotage in Iran's internet sites, fight against filtering in the country, creating security for internet users, creating a secure telephone and data communication ground for making interviews with Radio Farda, Radio Zamaneh, Voice of America and other western media".