'Shut Up'? Pakistan President's Outburst Scrubbed From 'Net

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    8 February 2010

    When President Asif Ali Zardari says “Shut up,” he apparently means it.

    A few weeks ago, a short video of Pakistan’s unpopular, democratically elected president began playing on endless loop on the dozen private channels here. In the clip, he is giving a speech in Urdu to a crowd that apparently wasn’t listening to him too closely (not uncommon in Pakistan). As he speaks, you can hear background chitchat from the inattentive audience. Well, he could hear that same chitchat too, so at one point he looked down at someone and yelled, in English, ”Shut Up!”

    All the local television anchors had a good laugh featuring the video, as did those at home -- some of whom created remixes of Zardari’s outburst and posted them to YouTube.