Technology and tradition are not enemies: banned in Turkmenistan!

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    7 September 2010

    There’s uproar among the youth in Turkmenistan today after the government decided to ban the popular social networking site, Currently, it’s inaccessible via both TM Cell and MTS (about whom I’ve reported before). The website had eventually experienced a small surge in Turkmen users, especially young men and women who used it to get to know each other.

    It’s an open secret that one of the main purposes of is dating. The site certainly facilitates meeting potential partners: just type in the city, gender, and age in the search engine, and within only a few seconds, voila! Lovely, smiling faces appear. You can even find young women in bikini shots or Odalisque poses — some as young as 16! Another big advantage is the availability of chat rooms, which are easy even for the less techno-savvy to use, and is cheaper in the long run than mobile phones.