US 'to loosen' grip on Internet

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    29 September 2009

    The US government is expected to relax control over how the internet is run when it signs an accord with net regulator Icann on Wednesday.

    The "affirmation of commitments" will reportedly give Icann autonomy to run its own affairs for the first time.

    Previous agreements gave the US close oversight of Icann - drawing criticism from other countries.

    Earlier this year, the EU called on the US to relinquish its control and Icann to become "universally accountable".

    "The US government is the only body to have had formal oversight of Icann's policies and activities since its inception in 1998," it said.

    "The Commission believes that Icann should become universally accountable, not just to one government but to the global internet community.

    "This is particularly relevant given that the next billion of internet users will mainly come from the developing world."