Young say they need help and guidance with online privacy

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    10 September 2009

    Keeping personal information private is the thing that young internet users most worry about, according to research conducted by media and telecoms regulator Ofcom. Young people said they needed more guidance on privacy, the research said.

    Ofcom has conducted a study of the access that people aged seven to 16 have to the internet and what their attitudes to its use are.

    The research found that the issue which users between 11 and 16 years old most needed advice about was privacy.

    "Respondents aged 11-16 were asked what kind of help and advice they felt young people need to stay safe online," said the report based on the research. "Children and young people most frequently say advice about how to retain privacy and not share personal information (54%) is needed. The next most frequently mentioned areas are how to retain security of information (28%)."