A legal case against Nokia Siemens Networks

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    1 September 2010

    Isa Saharkhiz, former Iranian official, a journalist and a political activist was arrested on June 20, 2009 in northern Iran and has been imprisoned ever since.

    Mr. Saharkhiz was former head of the press department at the Iranian Ministry of Culture and Education during former President Khatami's administration. He played a great role on empowering Reformists' papers during Khatami's presidency. Reformist papers enjoyed certain level of freedom until protests over disputed presidential election in 2009. Reformists' papers and journalists have been critical of Mr. Ahmadinejad, his government and alleged that the presidential election was fraud and challengers' votes were rigged. About 52 journalists were arrested after protests and crisis over election results and Mr. Saharkhiz was one of the key organizers of reformist papers so he thought he has no choice but to go into hiding.