Woah! More Google Trouble in China

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    10 November 2010

    Here I thought everything was okay again once Google got its ISP renewed here in China. Not so! Fresh from that whole debacle, Google is now facing a crop of completely different problems relating to China, from hunger strikes at its Shanghai offices to subpoenas over the leaked Diaoyu/Senkaku clash.

    Hunger strike, you say? Yeah, turns out that Google notified seven ad resellers that it would be ending partnerships with them in September, something the ad resellers were desperate to not have happen. According to Computer World, the maligned groups even wrote a letter to Larry Page and Sergey Brin, asking for an intervention... or at least an explanation... and if that didn't work, $7 million USD compensation. Google's response:

    We stand behind our decision... We do not discuss individual cases, but there are a variety of reasons why we choose to end relationships with certain partners. In all cases, we do so lawfully and in line with the terms of our contract.