November 1 China

Amazon's Kindle device circumvents the Great Firewall of China using its Whispernet Network.

November 3 Lebanon

The New York Times reports that Lebanon is severely cracking down on Internet freedom after a trail of events including the summer arrests of several people based on Facebook activity criticizing the president.

November 4 Bahrain

Bahraini blogger and political activist Ali Abdulemam is put on trial following his September arrest, part of a broader crackdown on human rights.

November 4 Burma

A large-scale computer attack hits Burma, preventing Internet access just before the country's first election in 20 years.

November 16 Syria

A draft Internet law introduced to the Syrian parliament would, if approved, require bloggers to register as union members and give the government more power over published content.

November 29 United States

The US government seizes 82 sites on the basis of copyright infringement, reports the Electronic Frontier Foundation.