Gaza and the West Bank

ONI Blog: Threats to the Open Net: May 12, 2012
Tor found two blocked sites in Palestine with their latest OONI-Probe tool. The organization's latest available software installed on local computer networks crawls millions of websites using a transparent HTTP proxy. Sina Weibo released a new set of guidelines that specify...
ONI Blog: Palestinian Authority Unblocks News Websites After Criticisms
The Jerusalem Post reported that the Palestine Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has ordered access restored to eight websites that were blocked two weeks ago. In his order to the attorney general, Abbas stated, "Freedom of expression is a right enshrined in...
ONI Blog: Threats to the Open Net: May 4, 2012
Freedom House came out with its 2012 survey on the freedom of the press around the world. Media gains happened in the Middle East and Northern Africa as Arab Spring stimulated a significant amount of social media activity. However, press freedom...
ONI Blog: Threats to the Open Net: November 4, 2011
Every week, the OpenNet Initiative provides a weekly news roundup (dubbed "Threats to the Open Net") in addition to our usual in-depth blog posts. If you would like to subscribe to the RSS feed for our newsreel, our entire blog,...
ONI Blog: Palestinian Officials Suspect Israel in Hacking Incident
CNN reported earlier this week that hackers shut down the Internet in Gaza and parts of the West Bank on Tuesday. Palestinian authorities say that the area's main ISP was the target of a DDoS attack and that hackers were using...
Country Profile: Gaza and the West Bank
Background In 1993, the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and Israel signed the Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements (also known as the Oslo Accords), providing for a five-year interim government until permanent settlement is reached.United Nations Development Programme, “Programme on Governance in...