• By: Simon Columbus
    Date: 14 Jul 2011
    According to China's Academy of Social Sciences, the country shut down 1.3 million websites over the course of 2010. This means that at the end of the year, there were 41% fewer websites than there were in 2009.
  • By: Simon Columbus
    Date: 13 Jul 2011
    Belarus is reportedly blocking VKontakte, a popular social network that has been used by activists trying to raise a wave of protests to overthrow dictator Alexander Lukashenko.
  • By: Simon Columbus
    Date: 13 Jul 2011
    Iran's Internet censorship was disrupted shortly on Monday, apparently due to an upgrade of the country's filtering system.
  • By: Simon Columbus
    Date: 13 Jul 2011
    Rebecca MacKinnon speaks at TED Global and calls for prolonged efforts to hold governments and companies accountable for the freedom of the Internet, also proposing a "Magna Carta for the Internet".
  • By: Simon Columbus
    Date: 12 Jul 2011
    Internet censorship is increasing in sub-Saharan Africa - with the help of Western technology. Software that was developed in the Netherlands to block child pornography might be put to much graver uses in Africa.
  • By: Simon Columbus
    Date: 11 Jul 2011
    North Korea seems to plan the creation of a censorship-free Internet and mobile phone "oasis" in a tourist area. At the moment, only a government-controlled intranet is available in the country.
  • By: Simon Columbus
    Date: 11 Jul 2011
    Israel has denied hundreds of foreign Palestine activists entry to the country after tracking down their activities on social networks, most prominently Facebook.
  • By: Simon Columbus
    Date: 11 Jul 2011
    Michael Hayden, former CIA director under President George W. Bush, says that the United States should consider creating a separate ".secure" Internet to improve cybersecurity.
  • By: Kendra Albert
    Date: 08 Jul 2011
    A few years ago, countries that claimed to be free didn’t dare do this, but Italy already filters access to foreign sites (as thepiratebay.org), and now plans censorship of domestic sites. Even worse, it is censorship without a trial. This sweeps aside a basic principle of justice. That’s why this specific regulation is unjust. But why is the Italian state willing to openly defy basic principles of justice in this particular area?
  • By: Kendra Albert
    Date: 07 Jul 2011
    American Internet users, get ready for three strikes "six strikes." Major US Internet providers—including AT&T, Verizon, Comcast, Cablevision, and Time Warner Cable—have just signed on to a voluntary agreement with the movie and music businesses to crack down on online copyright infringers. But they will protect subscriber privacy and they won't filter or monitor their own networks for infringement. And after the sixth "strike," you won't necessarily be "out."
